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Tom Montero, FCSI, Member Emeritus, CDT, AIA

The use of BIM to confirm that "everything will fit" should be just a tool for the A/E. Had the supplemental conditions and the conditions of the MEP-FP sections required the contractor to provide coordination drawings for the systems, the A/E BIM documents could have been used as a reference for the A/E to respond without providing the BIM drawings. In the A/E response to the submitted coordination drawings, they could have "suggested" that the contractor "consider" certain means of installation without making the "suggestions" contractual. The A/E should ALWAYS require coordination drawings for systems installation. That way, if a problem arises during installation . . . guess who bares the burden of proof and expanse? Obviously not the A/E.

Ron Geren

Tom, I agree. As I mentioned, there are many open questions about this case. Hopefully, the architect had specified that coordination drawings be prepared and submitted. If the architect did specify those requirements, then that would lead to other questions, such as: Did the contractor submit the required coordination drawings? If so, did the design team do a proper review?

There is so much that is unknown about this case that it is really hard to make a solid judgement. Until more information is made public, I doubt this case would have much bearing on the future use of BIM.

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