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Roger Webber

Haha. I love these.

Several points:
#1 It should be lised in the Specifications as to who is doing the sealant. Spec's always over-ride the drawings.
#2 Who was last "in" may have the scope on them. The first installing trade may have been long gone and it could be unreasonalbe to think they are to return.
#3 Is there precedence and industry "norm" or standard acceptable practice for this application?
#4 This is where a bid form price break down comes in handy.

Ron Geren


Regarding your point #1, depending how the contract is written, generally there is no precendence between the drawings and specifications. In other words, the specifications don't "over-ride" the drawings. This is specifically written in the AIA A201 "General Conditions of the Contract for Construction." However, some owners, especially government owners, will typically write in a precedence clause into their contracts.

Additionally, the specifications should not state who is doing what. The entire contract--drawings, specifications...everything--is assigned to the general contractor; he determines who gets what work to perform and some of that may be controlled by unions.

If the specifier was detailed enough in his/her specification for joint sealants, the specifier may have included a joint schedule that described the type of sealant to be used between the curtain wall and the metal panel system. This would have given the A/E some ammunition to defend their position, but the "By Others" notes are still vague.

In the example, if the note "By Others" was not used, there would have been no doubt that a sealant joint was required, whether or not the specifications had a joint sealant schedule. If neither subcontractor included the joint in their bid, then the general contractor would likely have to cover the cost of the joint.

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